The Mustang continues to change and evolve and does it in a big way with the 1984 Ford Mustang brochure. The new model in the line-up is the Mustang SVO a high performance model that means business. We now have the Mustang GT & Turbo GT, the Mustang LX and the Mustang L. The Mustang GT and the Turbo GT give you a choice of powerhouses, you can have either 5.0 liter V-8 or 2.3-liter turbo engine. Both the GT model Mustangs are available as a 3-door or a convertible and the front air dams and fog lights become standard equipment in 1984.
When you get a few pages into the 1984 Ford Mustang brochure you will notice a new term the EEC-IV: which is the worlds most advanced onboard automotive computer. This 4th generation computer controls air/fuel mixture and ignition timing for both performance and economy. This Mustang microprocessor is constantly processing information and making changes that maximize the engine and transmission performance and economy for the current condition and demand.
When take a closer look behind the scenes in the 1984 Ford Mustang brochure you see how much more engineering is involved in building the 1984 Mustang. Things that didn’t matter very much several years ago are a major part of manufacturing an automobile today. Things like rack and pinion steering, power disc brakes, suspension and handling are closely monitored tested and change for maximum efficiency. A big engine is not everything today, it’s all about he engineering and every little thing count.
We have heard Ford say, “Quality is Job 1” for years, but you can really see how important it is when you look closely at the 1984 Ford Mustang brochure. Ford continues to step up the engineering, research and development and their commitment to making a quality vehicle. You see it clearly when you get behind the wheel of a 1984 Mustang. From computer aided engineering, lasers, robots, improved corrosion protection and paint Ford is making a difference.
See the 1984 Ford Mustang Brochure and PDF Sales Literature
See the 1984 Ford Mustang SVO Brochure PDF
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